08 Nov 2023

Baseform's meter changeout optimization leads to substantially better outcomes.

Get in touch to find out how your utility can also benefit from Baseform.

Baseform helps our clients formulate and organize their AMI changeout strategies to maximize ROI for their communities, from control over apparent losses, to improved revenue and commercial management. This in a user-friendly software that the utilty quickly learns to leverage on their everyday operation to empower office and field teams with maximum information. We then expand this usage in our partner utilities to utilize their new AMI data in conjunction with SCADA, GIS and other data infrastructure to significantly reduce water loss, wastewater I&I and address CIP planning and pipeline renewal, supporting fact-based decisions in their short-to long-term strategies.

In meter management as well as in system O&M, getting the numbers right saves time, money and water.

Get in touch to find out how your utility can also benefit from Baseform.

Baseform® is a registered trademark of BF Software, Lda.
Baseform® is a registered trademark of BF Software, Lda.